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snow flurry artinya

contoh kalimat "snow flurry"
  • snow:    salji; salju; turun salju; saldyu; menipu;
  • flurry:    membingungkan; kekalutan; tiupan; lari;
  • flurry:    membingungkan; kekalutan; tiupan; lari; kesulitan; membelakangkan; kerumunan; menangguhkan; keributan; kegemparan; randu; kesibukan; kehibukan; mempertangguhkan; kecoh; mengonarkan; mencampuradukkan
  • snow:    salji; salju; turun salju; saldyu; menipu; memperdaya; salju yang turun; obat bius kokain; memperdayakan; c. p. snow; charles percy snow; snow
  • cloud with snow:    awan salju
  • marine snow:    salju laut
  • snow (app):    snow (aplikasi)
  • snow angel:    peri salju
  • snow blindness:    kebutaan karena silau salju
  • snow blower:    penyapu salju
  • snow camouflage:    kamuflase salju
  • snow country:    negeri salju
  • snow dogs:    filem snow dogs; snow dogs
  • snow flurries:    hujan salju
  • snow globe:    bola kristal salju
  • Snow flurries expected this weekend in New Orleans.
    Salju tebal akan turun akhir pekan di New Orleans.
  • Snow flurries expected this weekend in New Orleans?
    Salju tebal akan turun akhir pekan di New Orleans?
  • Snow flurries along the north-eastern seaboard
    Angin bersalju di sepanjang tepi pantai timur laut
  • Eastern Svealand... clear tonight... intermittent snow flurries... temperatures ranging from 20-32 degrees
    Swedia timur malam ini cerah- -Hanya salju ringan- -Suhu udara berkisar antara 20-32 derajat-
    Kata benda
  • a light brief snowfall and gust of wind (or something resembling that); "he had to close the window against the flurries"; "there was a flurry of chicken feathers"
    Sinonim: flurry,